NFT / non-fungible token

NFT / non-fungible token

NFT non-homogeneous tokens (English full name Non-Fungible Tokens) is also a digital asset. It is different from traditional digital currencies such as BTC in that each NFT has unique properties and cannot be interchanged or replaced. It is not equal either. We can understand NFT non-homogeneous tokens as rare works of art or collectibles, and art or collectibles that exist in the form of encrypted assets are usually auctioned and sold at auctions. The bidders bid against each other, and the highest bidder wins.

NFT/non-homogeneous token
NFT is not a new hot phenomenon. As early as a few years ago, CryptoKitties (crypto cat), a blockchain-Ethereum-based virtual pet raising game, was already very popular, and even brought Ethereum network congestion. Impact. The cats of various shapes in the CryptoKitties game once achieved sales of 40 million U.S. dollars. Although the popularity has been greatly reduced now, other NFTs have created a new wave of upsurge.

Today's NTF is not limited to encrypted games, but is spread all over art, music, stars and other fields. People chase its natural scarcity and make its value continue to rise, and this kind of art recorded on the blockchain is What cannot be faked cannot be copied and pasted. On multiple NFT trading platforms, NFT works from various industries are already dazzling. Some analysts predict that this digital form of art may catch up with the traditional physical art market in the future.

In the early days, many investors thought that NFT/non-homogeneous tokens were a speculative investment, but now more and more people hold NFT as collectibles, and even the NBA has launched NFT projects for investors They trade and collect, and now there are more and more auctions on NFT. We will wait and see what the value of NFT is and how it will develop in the future.