Currency price Rise and fall Markets transaction
BTC BTC/USDT 104422.16 +3.9031% transaction
ETH ETH/USDT 3473.34 +3.8262% transaction
ETC ETC/USDT 28.2919 +4.5757% transaction
XRP XRP/USDT 3.27678 -0.2338% transaction
DOT DOT 7.5101 +2.8006% transaction
LTC LTC/USDT 135.87 +6.5898% transaction
SHIB SHIB 2.427E-5 +8.542% transaction
FIL FIL 5.8432 +1.7749% transaction
DOGE DOGE 0.414055 +7.5526% transaction
LINK LINK 25.0883 +6.3217% transaction
BCH BCH 490.55 +4.7535% transaction
BSV BSV 59.1257 +2.4968% transaction
ADA ADA 1.133285 +0.032% transaction
EOS EOS 0.984 +2.2338% transaction
TRX TRX 0.248725 +3.4595% transaction
XMR XMR 231.21 +5.5416% transaction

About BitMart

Honest | Fair | Enthusiasm | Open

BitMart was founded by a group of early Bitcoin participants and geeks. The core members of the team are from well-known enterprises such as Google, Microsoft, Alibaba, Tencent and so on. It has deep research and development strength and rich experience in Internet product operation.
BitMart is located in the basic service provider of block chain, dedicated to providing high-quality encrypted assets trading platform for global users, adhering to the basic principle of “DO NOT BE EVIL”, upholding honest, fair and enthusiastic service to customers, and welcoming all partners/projects that are beneficial to the fundamental interests of users with an open attitude.

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